Sunday, August 30, 2015

What Are The Significant Food Items For The Baby Full Month Packages

The first important event for the newly born baby is the baby full month packages celebration. On the baby's 30th day, sacrifices are offered to the gods so that the gods will protect the baby in his subsequent life. Ancestors are also virtually informed of the arrival of the new member in the family.

ang ku kueh

On this auspicious day of the baby full month packages celebration, the family will offer prayers to the gods and ancestors of their home. This includes food offerings and burning incense, thus informing the deities of the new addition, and appealing to the spirits to protect the child. Families will also be required to shave the baby’s head. It’s more common these days for families to simply snip a lock of hair as a symbolic nod to this ritual. The shaving of the head is a sign of preparing the baby for life in the community with good health, happiness and success.

Once the head is shaved, the mother and baby are bathed in water mixed with pomelo leaves, to help wash away and ward off bad luck and evil. Usually the baby is dressed in red and adorned with gold accessories during this ritual as well.

Significant food items for the baby full month packages

Red eggs

red eggs customs

Dyed red eggs are an integral part of the baby full month packages celebration as it symbolizes happiness and the renewal of life, as well as announce the arrival of a newborn baby.

Ang ku kueh (“Red turtle cakes”)
The dough of the "red turtle cake" is dyed red for good luck. This kueh also signifies longevity as turtles have long lives. Thus, the “ang ku kueh” is made to resemble a turtle's back.

Glutinous Rice

rice and cake shops

In Singapore, the Chinese prepare a glutinous rice dish to distribute along with the red eggs. Different dialect groups have different ways of making this dish. The Teochew version is sweet and steamed while the Hokkien version is savoury and fragrant, cooked with fatty pork, dried shrimp, Chinese mushroom, dark soy sauce, and fried shallots.

Peanut candy
The peanut candy is also another delectable ‘sweet’ distributed along with the baby full month package gifts. It signifies all things sweet and happiness in the birth of the new born baby.

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